sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2009

Here and There

When the night arrived there
The little girl thought: "My dear isn't here!"
When my love closed her eyes, I said:
"My dear is there. She is between me and the eternity"

Forever living that hope, I think this now
When my sweetheart was there, I felt too cold
My heart was iced, my head was hot
And my faith was shaken

Back soon, my little girl. Back tonight. Back to my bed.
When You be back, I will use a new blanket: a double blanket
I promise this!

4 comentários:

Blog do Mario disse...

can't you see it ? that's the love

Cah Rosa disse...

man, all the world need is love.
this feeling is priceless.

Unknown disse...

Lucas, aguente firme rapaz.

Unknown disse...

All this little words speaks by themselves and create an connection

You are very good writer !

Good work =D